
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

My Feather

Room 5 has been making their own feather. We call our feather a cloak. Our teacher toaught us some other cloaks like dog skin cloaks, and fine flax cloaks. In Maori they call dog skin cloaks as Kahu Kuri, and in Maori they also call fine flax cloaks as Kaitaka

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

My Learning Journey

Room 5 has been learning how to know where some of our blog post live. We were using Google map.

Friday, 29 November 2013

St Peter

WALT learn about how saints are inspiring people who follow God

Room 5 has been learning things about there Saints. Some of us worked with a partner, and I had a partner who worked with me her name is Anna. Our saints name was St Peter. I learned that St Peter's feast day was at June the 29th. He died in his age 64, and he crucified upside down.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


This is my constellation
 WALT make constellation for social studies.

On social studies we were learning about constellation. Constellation is those stars making a picture of almost anything. My constellation is called the big dog. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


WALT use AFOREST words.

In room 5 we have been talking about why we should start school at 7.00am and we should not start school early in the morning. We went in two groups on the mat, one group was we should not start school at 7.00 in the morning and the other group was we should start school in 7.00am. In each had to discuss why we should start early and we should not start school early. I know that I can use the AFOREST.                        

A, Alliteration   Hayley's Phone has got sand on it because she dropped it in the sand
F, Facts and Figures   Starting school at 7 would be a good idea
O, Opinions   It means what is in your thoughts
R, Rhetorical Question   You can't answer yes or no
E, Emotive Language   using the same letter like the begining of tthe letter
S, Superlatives   It means the best or worst quality
T, Threes   Someone got shot by the gun bang bang bang

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How Do Maori People Use Gourds To Preserve Birds In Fat?


In my group we have been learning how do Maori people use Gourds to preserve Birds in fat. we were trying to find out the words we do not understand our keywords were Titi, Gourds and Birds in fat. 

In our presentation we now that we have answered our questions because my group had to share our presentation to our whole class.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

My Partner And I

In Room 5, Room 1 came to our class and we all had a partner each and my partner was Uinisieti. My partner likes to play at the park in her own time and she likes swimming in  the beach.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


WALT find out if the hot, cold, and warm water could dissolve with sugar.

In Room 5 we have been doing science. For science we tried to find out if the hot, cold, warm water could dissolve sugar. In my group I was the person who stir's the warm water with 2 tsp of sugar.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Fun With 5's


WALT do fun with 5's.

In math we have been doing fun with 5's. Fun with 5's is using your 5 times tables because it makes it easier to solve. I know that if I would use my 5's it would make it easier for me to solve the problem.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Going On Facebook

WALT disagree/agree about going on Facebook.

 I do not agree that Children under 13 should not have an Facebook account.

Children under 13 should not have an Facebook account. All those people under 13 years old has to remove their Facebook account because they might do something wrong then they might go to jail. They will go to jail by doing things wrong like posting really bad photos then they will get reported by other adults when they figured out that we are children under 13.

We should not have an Facebook account. They might hack your account. There might be people posting bad photos to you and all people. Facebook can make you get in trouble by getting reported by your friends, when you write down where you live some strangers from Facebook could see where you live then they might come to your place then steal your things, break your things which is glass.  

In school we should not go on Facebook.
It might interrupt our learning.  If we use our laptops to learn and we go to Facebook it might get us in trouble. We should not go on Facebook when it is learning time because it can ruin your learning and it could ruin your classmates learning time.

Monday, 9 September 2013

What Does Decimal Mean?

WALT to know what does discrimination mean.

In Room 5 we have been learning about decimal. Decimal means like you're asking other people to go away and that person who had to go away feels sad, alone and it would feel like nobody likes her. If I was asked to go away I would feel so upset, and I would feel also alone. If you see girls playing tag and you told the girls that you wanted to play tag with them and they said no to you because they don't like your freckles on your face and you are a nerd, the person who said that to you is hurting Gods creations then God would punish them and He would also feel sad.

That is what decimal mean!!!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Our Group Filter


                                                    WALT separate an insoluble mixture

In Room 5 we have been making a filter with our groups. I know that insoluble means it can't mix. Our groups filter almost won but we didn't.

This is me and my groups creation.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Being A Good Friend


WALT identify ways of keeping and maintaining relationship.

Room 5 have been making ways of keeping and maintaining relationship. This is a presentation about me being a good friend and why I am a good friend.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

SPS News

WALT retell a story.

At Room 5 we were doing reading. Me and my group were making a video about Mr Moss not getting any letter. In reading we have been making a video, the video was about Rachel sending a letter to Mr Moss and in the letter Rachel put a lettuce in Mr Moss's mailbox with the letter.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Persuading People To Build A Factory At Our School

WALT persuade people to build/not build a factory on our courts.

I believe that they should build a factory on our courts.

We should build a factory on our courts so our school could get the CCTV cameras so there will be no criminals stealing our school property. The people who is trying to steal our stuff and our school property they will be seen because of the CCTV camera.

Saint Patrick school agree with the factory because Room 5 could get a new playground. Having a new playground could make us feel happy.

Building a factory would be a fantastic idea because our school would be a bit more exciting and awesome. It could make us happy by getting a CCTV camera. We should build the factory so we can have a competition.

Designing a new playground would be a nice thing to do for Saint Patrick's school. Having a factory at school could change our school. If our school could have a competition and the winners get to design the playground it would be awesome and it would be also fear for other people.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Eating Healthy Food

WALT Learn about healthy foods.

In Room 5 were making a food pyramid with our groups or partners and in my group were Anna and Elaine. At school we were talking about healthy foods. I know that eating healthy food is a good thing because you are respecting Gods image.

Friday, 9 August 2013

My Spectacular Persuasive

WALT the structure of persuasive writing. A structure is the order the writing goes in. I know this when I start with a thesis, then I do my three main reasons  that have facts or examples. I end with a conclusion.  

Friday, 2 August 2013

My Shape

WALT use  non-standard measures to find the area of a shape

I know that I can do this because the photos show my group finding out the area of our shape.

In this photo we made a shape and made an estimation of how many people could fit sitting inside the shape. We were trying to find out the area of our shape using our body. This is a non standard unit of measure. A non standard unit of measure is your body.


In this photo we lay down inside the shape
and see how much people who can fit inside the shape. In my group we decided if the
shape could fit 5 people but we were wrong it was 7 people.   

Thursday, 1 August 2013

My Goals

WALT write goals to help us measure our learning

Our class goal for writing is to use ambitious vocabulary to persuade people to change their minds to our ideas. We need to use six exciting words in our point to persuade people to change their minds.
This is important because we want the reader to be interested in our work and change their minds to our opinion.
The steps that we will take to achieve our goals is to read our work add in at least 6 exciting words, check with a buddy ask if the vocabulary persuaded them, use the word pyramid and the thesaurus, check with the teacher.

My goal for writing is to use 6 exciting words from my ambitious vocabulary. This is important because story’s have to be exciting and our writing have to
interesting. We need to put ambitious vocabulary words so the people will enjoy
the story. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be using my ambitious vocabulary in my story . My goal for Reading  is to read my hard words in my book clearly . This is important because my audience will know what i’m saying. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be reading with a friend or look at the picture .

My goal for Maths is to try bet my high score and to practice my times table, my divisions and try to go on a higher group .This is important because when I go college I will now all my basic facts. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be trying my best to go to a higher group and get 100 correct in my basic facts sheet.

What Does Respect Mean To Me?

WALT know what respect means.

At school, in each group we all did something what respect means to us. I know what respect means because our number one golden rule is to respect the ten commandments. Respect is like picking up other people's rubbish and obeying your parents rules.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

My Excellent Maori Mihi Presentation

WALT create our own Maori Mihi Presentation

At school we have been busy creating our own Maori Mihi Presentation. A Maori Mihi is introducing your self in Maori. I know that I can remember some Maori words and put them into sentences. 

My Steps Using A Tippy Tap

WALT make steps how to use a tippy tap.

At School we have been making steps how to use a tippy tap. My two classmates which was Gabrielle and Elaine, we all made the same steps because we all worked together by sharing the page.

Monday, 8 July 2013

My Fab Germ Free Hands

WALT create steps how to wash our hands properly.

At Saint Patrick's School, at room 5 we have been creating our own steps how to wash our hands with our partner and my partner was Celeste. I know I have learnt the steps when my presentation shows how to get rid of all the germs.
This is my Presentation  all about how to wash your hands properly.

My Graces Letter.

                                                                                               WALT identify how the sacrament of the sick prepares people for death.
I know that the sacrament of anointing of the sick prepares people for death because when you are about to dies you feel pain, worried and scared. The graces make you feel better. This is my letter that show the graces of the anointing of the sick.


Friday, 5 July 2013

My Fabulous goals

WALT write goals for writing.

My goal for writing is to check if my work make sense. This is important because I need to improve my work and learn my ambitious vocabulary words. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be to check my spelling with a partner, and checking if my paragraphs makes sense and it all makes sense.

My goal for Reading  is to understand the story. This is important because I need to improve my reading, so you know what’s the book all about and to read loud so people can hear me. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be understanding the story I am reading and answer question correctly.

My goal for Maths is to know the answer and answer the question really fast. This is important because I need to write down my basic facts fast and quick. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be to practice my basic facts at home and know the answer to all of the questions .

The Baptism Symbol.

WALT draw and write about a symbol of baptism.

We were talking about all the symbols of baptism.
How they were used in a baptism ceremony. I know about the symbols of baptism because they are in my picture.

Smart Commenting

We have been learning to write smart comments on other peoples blogs. A smart comment is like a helpful, thoughtful or positive comments. This is my smart comment.

My Sketching

WALT sketch images using a pencil.                                             We have been sketching with a sketching pencils at school. We had to sketch  light and dark in our sketching book. This is my sketching. 

Friday, 21 June 2013

My Awesome Writing About AFL

We are learning how to catch and throw and kick the football.

In school we were doing AFL. We learnt how to say laces away from faces from Jereme. We learnt how to drop punt, and to catch, also how to kick the football. In AFL we always play a game, we played toilet and an island game. We learnt how to chest mark and speaky. Speaky is a move to get the ball from the person, you need a partner, you have to run then jump up and put one leg up like how you walk and the other leg has to be like a chair. Your partner has to be standing up straight and holding football and it should be like the Statue of Liberty . That is how you do a speaky.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

My Fabulous Synonym Wheel

WALT use synonyms to make our writing more exciting.
Mrs Richardson gave us a boring word and then we had to find a better word in thesaurus. I can now use an ambitious word instead of a boring word like nice instead of polite.

This is what my synonym wheel looks like.

Friday, 7 June 2013

My Sketching

WALT sketch light to dark by using our sketching pencils.

We were doing cross hatching at our school. Our teacher Mrs Richardson taught us how to cross hatch. We shade really lightly on a diagonal then darker on the opposite diagonal. I know I can shade from light to dark because my picture shows you.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

My Top Tip

 WALT do positive, thoughtful,and helpful comments on other peoples class blogs. This is
a poster I created.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

My Clever Cyber Smart Comment

We have been learning to write smart comments on other peoples blogs.  A smart comment is helpful,
thoughtful and positive.

We are creating positive digital footprint when we leave comments.  We are cyber smart.

Here are screenshot of a comment I have left on a blog.

My comment is a smart comment because in my comment it is positive, thoughtful an helpful.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

My Digital Footprint

We have been learning how to create a positive digital footprint. We had to Look at our history and record them on our footprint. This is what I looked at in 24 hours